Compliance at AGRANA
The CFOs of the business segments and subsidiaries act as compliance officers in order to be able to deal with group-level requests faster and more efficiently. In addition to the Compliance Office, there is also our Compliance Board, which regularly provides advice on fundamental issues concerning compliance.
AGRANA Whistleblowing System
AGRANA promotes a positive and open corporate culture. Compliance and ethics have a high priority in our Group. Illegal or unethical behaviour is not tolerated.
In addition to the internal standard reporting channel, which consists of the employee's line manager, another manager whom the employee trusts or the on-site HR department, the local compliance manager as well as the works council, AGRANA also offers an electronic whistleblowing system. It is intended to help identify irregularities and to avert abnormal developments through preventive measures. It is available to all employees, customers, business partners and other individuals who are looking for advice or who wish to point out shortcomings, either in person or anonymously.
General Information
If you are aware of irregularities, or are seeking advice on a particular situation, you can submit a report. Please describe your report in as much detail and as clearly as possible so that we can put an end to potential misconduct. You can attach possible evidence to your report. You can also set up a mailbox to communicate with us.
Retaliation against a whistleblower is prohibited and the confidentiality of the report is guaranteed.
However, knowingly submitting false information or reporting tips that contain unfounded accusations or allegations is prohibited.
Who processes the reports?
Specially trained employees of the AGRANA Compliance Organisation and Internal Audit process the reports with the utmost care and according to the 4-eyes principle.
In the European Union, it is also possible to submit a report to the local competent authority.