HIGH LEVEL OF PRODUCT SAFETY & QUALITYOur focus is product safety. It is our most important mission to deliver safe products of high quality in line with our product specifications. All our raw materials and ingredients as well as our final products are subject to strict quality analysis. This is supplemented by continuous in-process control. Our control measurements are based on accurate test plans that have been developed based on a holistic risk assessment. Analyses are performed by internal laboratories and in addition we rely on accredited service providers. Analytical results are reviewed, trend analyses are generated and provide an important input to our continuous improvement processes. |
STANDARDS, POLICIES, PROCESSES & PROCEDURESOur quality management system is based on ISO 9001 and supplemented by GFSI approved standards as well as feed and product safety standards according to our and our customer needs. When manufacturing organic, Halal and Kosher products we strictly comply with applicable requirements. The core intentions of our integrated quality management system are described in globally applicable policies. We follow a process-oriented approach to implement basic requirements of our quality management system as well as legal requirements. Written procedures help us in standardizing our way of working and facilitate our training of employees. |
CHANGE MANAGEMENT, RISK MANAGEMENT & HAZARD CONTROLChanges are planned and carried out in a structured and controlled way to ensure process and product safety. Possible risks are identified, rated and preventive actions are taken to guarantee business continuity. All processes regarding product safety are subject to hazard analysis and thus critical control points and prerequisite programs are established. The according hazard control plans are verified at least on a yearly basis. At each production site, interdisciplinary food/feed safety teams consisting of highly educated experts conduct and verify hazard analysis and discuss ad-hoc topics. |
COMMITMENT, LEADERSHIP & EMPOWERMENTAll our employees and in particular our top managers commit to the pillars of this quality policy. Executives show leadership by acting as multipliers, exemplify the meaning of our quality policy and transfer the quality spirit into the teams. Employees work independently within their field of activity, participate in decisions and create value through their feedback and innovations. |
COMMUNICATION & TRAININGTransparency and open two-way communication are paramount to achieve a high level of quality for both our products and our processes. The meaning and importance of our quality policy is shared with all our employees and is part of our daily work at AGRANA. All positions are held by qualified and competent persons. Additional trainings on food/feed safety and quality in general are conducted regularly. |
AGRANA works exclusively with qualified suppliers which deliver safe material. Whenever possible we source from local providers. A low level of residues, supplier’s reactivity, high standard of product quality, legal compliance and long-term partnership are a main part of the sourcing strategy.
We are constantly working to improve supplier performance using a strong risk assessment system.
Internal and external monitoring programs are implemented to ensure the high standards AGRANA requires.