Breaking ground ceremony for new 70,000-tonne silo at the sugar factory in Tulln; investment volume of €11m

On 12 November, AGRANA and ARGE STRABAG Steiner began construction work on a new 70,000-tonne crystallised sugar silo at the Tulln plant. The new silo, which is expected to be in use from October 2011, will be one of the most modern of its kind in Europe, both in terms of its construction as well as sustainability aspects.

Date: 16.11.2010

The 49-metre in diameter and 52-metre high silo is to be made of reinforced concrete poured using a sliding formwork and will consist of inserted ceilings made of laminated wooden beams spanning the entire diameter of the silo, the second largest sugar silo in Europe. It will largely be automatically operated, with sugar being put into and removed from storage via a 200-metre-long conveyor bridge which conforms to the latest hygiene and safety engineering guidelines.  

“This silo will mean that we no longer need to transport 70,000 tonnes of crystallised sugar to the storage facilities in Enns|Upper Austria and Petöhaza|Hungary, which will allow us to achieve a significant reduction in annual CO2 emissions. Furthermore, previously unused waste heat from the sugar production process will be used to heat and condition the silo, which represents a saving of an additional 330,000 kWh of primary energy in the form of natural gas and the associated CO2 emissions,” says Johann Marihart, CEO of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG, commenting on the climate protection aspects of the new facility.

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v.l.n.r. Ing. Joseph Vogtmann, Freund & Vogtmann GmbH, Ing. Eduard Dusek, Strabag,  DI Johann Marihart, AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG, Harald Schinnerl, Vizebürgermeister der Stadt Tulln, DI Martin Doppler, Geschäftsführer AGRANA Zucker GmbH, Baumeister Merkl, Steiner Bau GmbH.