Adding Value to Culture & the Arts

AGRANA is a globally oriented company with over 55 production sites worldwide.

At the same time, the company is proud of its cultural roots in Austria. This combination of an international outlook and Austrian identity is the reason for AGRANA supporting the arts and culture in Austria. This way of thinking is also reflected in the selection of the cultural projects to receive support. In all of its cultural promotion projects, AGRANA attaches considerable importance to harmoniously aligning the significance of Austria's cultural heritage, as the core of its corporate identity, with the requirements imposed by the age of globalisation.


  • On the one hand, the MusikTheater an der Wien, with its excellent reputation as an important Viennese opera house and, on the other, AGRANA, as a leading Austrian industrial player. And yet: The Theater an der Wien and AGRANA have much in common. For both it is particularly important to combine tradition and modernity with outstanding levels of quality.

    The aim behind AGRANA supporting the Theater an der Wien is to enable cultural events to take place which are highly regarded and appreciated by all of the world’s cultures and which establish a successful bridge between European tradition and international modernity. It is exactly these considerations which are also reflected in AGRANA’s mission statement. As a modern Austrian industrial group, our aim is to align the principles of the European way of life and tolerance with commercial success in a globalised world.

    Photo: (c) Herwig Prammer

  • As an important employer in Lower Austria, AGRANA is particularly committed to contributing to this region by means of supporting this musical festival. Through its sponsorship of this event, AGRANA has been able to help in making Grafenegg one of Lower Austria’s most important cultural centres and one with a truly international format.