AGRANA bees at the Pischelsdorf site

At the Pischelsdorf site, our employee and passionate beekeeper Stefan Schmied looks after our bees. He is fascinated by bees and he enjoys working with them, as he tells us:

My name is Stefan Schmied and it is with great pleasure that I look after the AGRANA bees at the Pischelsdorf site.
I am an AGRANA employee and do not only like to come to work, but also like to visit the AGRANA bees on the company grounds in Pischelsdorf after finishing my work.

Bees have always fascinated me and therefore I started to deal more intensively with the subject a few years ago. What started as a small hobby became a true passion after intensive work with beekeeping.
Numerous training courses and the direct work with the bees have increased my enthusiasm more and more.

I would even say, that all work steps of beekeeping have become my hobby. Starting with building the hives, taking care of the bees and harvesting honey but also bottling the honey, designing my honey labels – everything makes me very happy.

I could “just” watch the bees for hours – they are such fascinating and industrious animals. For me, beekeeping is a very good balance to my professional activity at AGRANA.